5 Thoughtful Gift Ideas for a Beautiful Home

Gift giving does not come naturally to me. I grew up in a family that was taught to love and care for the things we had, and excess was never really something we were familiar with. There were four mouths to feed in our home, and I can't imagine how stressful holidays were for my 9-5 working parents with four Christmas wish lists.

When I got married, gift giving at the holidays brought a great deal of worry to me. I was quite young and didn't have the ability to buy frivolous gifts or reciprocate the kind of enthusiasm my new family gave to the holidays. Gift giving today is still a point of dread for me. It makes me feel less than great that I am not the one to wow a friend with a touching gift or think of the perfect gift for someone 6 months in advance.

If you're an amazing gift giver, I am so proud of you for being that kind of person, but if you're like me...I wanted to help by researching great ideas for each person on your list. It would be my gift to you to make this holiday less stressful. Maybe I'm better at this than I thought?

Book of the Month Club Membership


Perfect For: The Reader

I've been a member of Book of the Month club since 2018 when I gifted a 3-month membership to a family member. After the third month, I continued the subscription for myself, and I've loved it ever since.

BOTM selects five books every month and you choose one to be mailed to you. If there isn't a choice you like that month, you can skip for a credit to the next month or select from months in the past. There's ALWAYS a good book to choose from.

For a gift to your favorite adult reader, you can choose to send them a 3, 6, or 12-month memberships (be sure to select US).

Find it here.

Noise Canceling Earplugs


Perfect For: The Entrepreneur

These may not look like much, but as a recent owner of these bad boys, I can tell you that they are the best thing on this list (okay, they're all so good). If you have an entrepreneur on your list that needs a little help with focus, I highly recommend these earplugs. I purchased a set for myself over the summer when the kids were home from school and I needed to be able to work through their playtime charade of loud noises.

The Loop Experience Pro comes with an additional "mute" add-on. You can still carry on a conversation (though you will hear yourself in your head…this is called occlusion), but the sounds around you are muted by 18 decibels. When I'm trying to focus, outside noises— especially repetitive or (ahem) obnoxious noises— really stress me out. These earplugs have saved my sanity.

They're perfect for an entrepreneur or even for a mom who needs a little peace and quiet.

Grab it here.

Stone Diffuser


Perfect For: The New Homeowner

You don't have to be an essential oils guru to appreciate having a clean, non-toxic home. Your holiday gift recipient likely feels the same way about his or her own home.

What I love about this gift is the versatility of design aesthetics: a little bit modern meets a vintagey crock. It really could fit in to any new homeowner's style. The stone material comes in a variety of colors to provide just the right addition of color and texture to your friend's kitchen counter or bookshelf.

Purchase it here.

Foodie Dice

Perfect For: The Foodie

This one just looks like fun. We all struggle with what to make for dinner once in a while, no matter how much of a food aficionado your foodie friend is.

Keep these in a cute glass jar on the counter and grab and roll. This would make a great gift for families, too, as a fun way to get the kids involved in helping with dinner. The set includes 5 dice for protein, cooking method, grain/carb, herb, bonus ingredient, and 4 season veggie.

Get it here.

Wine Glass Chiller


Perfect For: Wine Lover

Often times our wine-loving friends already have all the appropriate accessories for their collection: the fancy opener, Corvino, or a pretty decanter. Choosing a bottle of wine as a gift when there are so many different taste profiles can be overwhelming.

What's something they likely don't have? A glass chiller as cool as this one. When the toasts are coming one right after another this holiday season, it may be likely that their wine needs to chill quicker than it could in the fridge. This is the perfect gift for anyone who loves a bubbly, red, or a white.

Buy it here.

Spreading Cheer this Holiday Season

How cool is it that this list provides options for several different types of people on your holiday shopping list, but also could completely take care of multiple gifts for just one person, too?

Imagine your favorite sister curled up with a good book, a chilled glass of Chardonnay in hand, a relaxing aroma diffusing in the background, enjoying the sound of silence as her kids and husband roll dice to decide what they're going to cook her for dinner.

Even if you spread the cheer of these gifts across your holiday list, you're sure to make that special someone feel the merriest they've felt in a long time.

P.S. There's more where these came from! Sign up for our newsletter to get our exclusive picks and tips all year long.



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